SisTers PGH and BLAC to host annual vigil for Transgender Day of Remembrance

For Immediate Release: November 3, 2023

Contact: Ciora Thomas,, 412-297-0548

(Pittsburgh) – SisTers PGH and the Black Liberation Autonomous Collective (BLAC) will co-host a vigil in honor of Transgender Day of Remembrance on Mon., Nov. 20, at 6:00 PM. The event will take place at Freedom Corner (intersection of Crawford Street and Centre Avenue) in Pittsburgh.

Leaders from both organizations will be speaking and reading the names of Black trans people who have been killed in the past year.

The Transgender Day of Remembrance, also known as the International Transgender Day of Remembrance, has been observed annually on November 20 as a day to memorialize those who have been murdered as a result of transphobia.

Photo and Interview Opportunities Available

WHO: SisTers PGH and Black Autonomous Liberation Collective

WHAT: Transgender Day of Remembrance vigil

WHEN: Mon., Nov. 20, 6:00 PM

WHERE: Freedom Corner, Intersection of Crawford Street and Centre Ave, Pittsburgh, 15219

SisTers PGH is a Black- and Trans-led 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that serves Trans and nonbinary people within Southwestern Pennsylvania. Learn more at 
